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Acting Workshop

Act in Italian with us 🇮🇹

Is this workshop for you?

Anyone who has an interest in theater, with acting experience or not, Italian or not (maybe this might be the chance for you to practice some Italian?) is most welcome.

Read the details of the workshop (IT).

When and where will it take place?

The workshop will last 5 weeks from 17th of October until the 14th of November and will take place every Sunday from 10:00 to 12:00.

We meet at the Folkuniversitetet in Stockholm (Kungstensgatan 45, t-bana Rådmansgatan).

I'm in! How do I subscribe?

Subscriptions cost 500Kr and you can register until the 10th October.  20% discount to all Caravaggio's members! For further information just drop us an email.

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Nästa show

Show på Italienska 🇮🇹

In onore di Dante - "Hyllning till Dante"

Välkomna till en kväll där vi minns och hyllar Dante Alighieri 700 år efter hans död. Föreställningen är ett samarbete mellan Teater Pi och Operapelago.


Ur programmet:  läsningar ur Dantes "den Gudomliga Komedin" och ur Pasolinis "La Mortaccia, en operascen ur Zandonais Francesca da Rimini samt ett uruppförande av 5:e sången i Inferno av Mikael Nellborn. 

Plats 🌎 

Datum 🗓

Sunday 28th November at 17:30

Pris 💸

120 kr

Pinocchio 2.0 - Reloaded
Pinocchio 2.0 - Reloaded
🇮🇹 In Italian, with English and Swedish over-titles ⏰ Duration about 2.5 hours ⏸️ We'll have a break ☕️ Drinks and food will be available 🧒 Kids' (0-13) ticket is virtually free. (We charge 10kr to cover the booking service cost)
16 feb. 2025 14:00 – 16:30
Folkuniversitet Stockholm ,
Kungstensgatan 45, 113 59 Stockholm, Sweden
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