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A project for local and international performing
art realities

StrangeSpaces is a project for performing arts in which the local spaces, the communities and the individual artistic expressions transform the transcultural encounter into a vehicle for change. 


Download the program to see all the exciting events that will happen!


Find your tickets and book your spots for the upcoming events!

From the 19th to the 21st of May we will be in Norrbotten hosted by Northern Sustainable Futures

From the 23rd to the 26th of May we will be in Stockholm and Huddinge!

From the 30th of May to the 3rd June we will be in Skåne/Malmö hosted by Teater Theatron



With its program based on a touring festival, gatherings, workshops and political/artistic talk, the project wants to create an alternative platform for performing arts and spread a wider message, underlining the need for a more sustainable and fairer society.

Il link con Teaterpi

Teater Pi originates from the effort of bringing together the Italian culture and other cultures, so it wants to contribute to the international development of performing arts.

All Hands In

What you'll see

Local artists will perform in their native language or starting from their original belonging, celebrating the encounter with the “other” spaces, and with the different identities within their communities and countries.


IETM logo Tagline  A.png

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Tack, vi hörs snart! ⭐️

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